in a Flash by Jeff Langr and Tim Ottinger (card #36)
> Individual work assignments
> Piles of unfinished work
> Work assignments given under
the table
> Empty ceremonies
> Neglecting quality practices
> Guarded speech
If a team has had trouble
completing tasks well and on time in the past, it will have increased pressure
from above. The urge to hold individuals accountable results in individual work
assignments. To motivate fervent effort, work is piled on, resulting in piles
of unfinished work.
Since outside parties have
trouble getting work done through official channels, they find ways to pass
work assignments under the table. This makes it less likely that official tasks
will be completed (Gerald Weinberg’s Law of Raspberry Jam is “The more you
spread it, the thinner it gets”).
Since the team is not truly
collaborating, meetings become empty ceremonies. Overloaded team members
neglect quality practices (such as TDD, testing, or CI) in a desperate bid to
get tasks off their plates. As team members become bitter and disappointed,
their public speech becomes increasingly guarded.
The development team needs to be
rebooted so it can build a new reputation using an agile work system (we
recommend hiring a capable agile coach). It needs a “whole-team” approach, with
limited work in progress and no under-the-table assignments. Those in these
circumstances are reminded of these wise words: change your organization, or
change your organization.
Warren Buffet is quoted: "Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks."
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